Kestävät ja luotettavat ajoneuvotietokoneet
Saat meiltä varmatoimisia ajoneuvotietokoneita, joilla varmistat liiketoimintanne menestyksen. Deal Compin toimittamat ajoneuvotietokoneet soveltuvat niin takseihin, busseihin, juniin, raitiovaunuihin, metroihin, työkoneisiin sekä kuorma- ja jakeluautoihin. Ajoneuvotietokoneet ovat aina optimoitu ajoneuvokohtaisesti, jotta tarvittavat yhteydet, lisälaiteliitännät ja luotettavuus saavutetaan.
Hyvät yhteydet
Suosituiksi tuotteiksi ovat nousseet Deal Compin toimittamat, haastavia olosuhteita kestävät ajoneuvotietokoneet, joihin liitetään katkotta toimivat ajoneuvo-ja monikanavareitittimet sekä useita 7″-32″-näyttöjä. Tietokoneisiin pystyy myös liittämään lisälaitteita kuten peruutus, turva- ja koneälykameroita, CAN-väylä lukijoita, I/O-laitteita jne.
Tietokone on suojattu ajoneuvon virtapiikeiltä ja -katkoilta sekä osaa kylmäkäynnistykset ja hallitun alasajon vikatilanteissa. Kaikki mallit ovat erittäin kompakteja, kestävään tiiviiseen koteloon pakattuja ja Suomen tieliikennelain mukaisesti e1-hyväksyttyjä.
Ajoneuvotietokoneissa voi käyttää Windows, Linux ja Android käyttöjärjestelmiä. Ajoneuvokäyttöön tarkoitettuja näyttöjä löytyy useassa eri koossa 7″-32″, eri kirkkauksilla, antureilla ja kosketusnäytöillä tai ilman.
ADEAL ajoneuvokäyttöön
8″ kosketusnäytöllä varustettu ajoneuvokäyttöön suunniteltu laadukas ja kestävä ADEAL on varustettu tehokkaalla suorittimella, tarkalla GPS:llä ja nopealla datayhteydellä. Hyvät yhteydet varmistetaan ulkoisilla antenneilla. ADEAL-tableteissa on monipuoliset liitännät, kuten RS232, RS485, CAN, DIO jne. Laajojen liitäntöjen ansiosta monia ajoneuvon palveluita voidaan käyttää yhdellä laitteella, jolloin ei tarvita useita näyttöjä ajoneuvoon. ADEAL toimii 9–30 V jännitteellä, joten se on mahdollista liittää suoraan ajoneuvon järjestelmään ilman adapteria.
DCORE™ DC3399 – Suorituskykyä ja luotettavuutta
Deal Comp Oy on kehittänyt uuden sukupolven ajoneuvotietokoneen ja siihen räätälöidyn avoimeen lähdekoodiin perustuvan ajoneuvotietokonealustan vastaamaan asiakkaiden autonomisen ajamisen, yleisen vaativan ammattikäytön ja myös puolustusteollisuuden korkean tietoturvan tarpeisiin. Ratkaisu hyödyntää viimeisintä teknologiaa ennennäkemättömän suorituskyvyn ja luotettavuuden varmistamiseksi.
DCore mahdollistaa mm. autonomisen ajamisen ja kaiken halutun ajoneuvon anturitiedon siirtämisen Smart City-ympäristöön reaaliajassa 4G ja 5G-teknologian avulla. DCore on maantieajoneuvo-, ja kiskoliikennekäyttöön täsmäsuunniteltuna suorituskyvyltään tehokkaampi, tehonkulutukseltaan alhaisempi, kestävämpi ja edullisempi kuin perinteiset ajoneuvotietokoneet.
Tarkoitukseen rakennettu – DCore™-järjestelmän arkkitehtuuri, toiminnallisuus, kotelointi, liittimet ja rakenne on suunniteltu toimimaan luotettavasti 24/7/365 sekä raskaan, että kevyen maantieliikenteen, mutta myös kaikkia kiskoliikenteen tarpeita vastaavaksi.
Avoin lähdekoodi – DCore™ ohjelmistoalusta tarjoaa asiakkaalle valmiit työkalut kehittää helposti ja nopeasti oma sovelluskohtainen ohjelmistoratkaisunsa. Tämä säästää asiakkaan työtä, aikaa ja rahaa.
Kestävä – DCore™ DC3399 on suunniteltu kestämään äärimmäisissä linja-auto-, juna- ja veturiasennuksissa arktisissa ja trooppisissa olosuhteissa tapahtuvaa mekaanista, sähköistä ja ympäristörasitusta.
Lämpösuunnittelu – Rakenteellista lämmönpoistoa käytetään käyttövarmuuden lisäämiseen ja laaja käyttölämpötila-alue takaa luotettavan jatkuvan toiminnan -25 – +70°C olosuhteissa.
Hyväksynnät – DCore™ DC3399 on läpäissyt tiukat hyväksyntä testit:
- EN50155, EN50121, EN61373
- EN60950-1

Langattomat yhteydet
- LTE (CAT4 APAC), WiFi (802.11 b/g/n/ac) ja optiona Bluetooth 4.0
- Erittäin tarkka RTK-avusteinen GNSS-vastaanotin antennidiagnostiikalla
- Laajennusvaihtoehtoja ovat V2X-liitäntä, 802.11ax ja 6GHz 5G-modeemi
Modulaarinen – DCore DC3399 on alusta, joka tarjoaa monipuolisia laajennusvaihtoehtoja, mukaan lukien sisäiset 1x MiniPCI- ja 2x DealStack-laajennuspaikat. Kaikki moduulit on integroitu emolevyyn, kuten NVIDIA GPU -prosessori, 4x AHD-videosisääntuloa, 4x Gigabit Ethernet -liitäntä, ESD+ tai EMD MVB, 5G-modeemi ja 802.11ax Wifi.
Näyttö – ChannelLink-digitaalinäytön käyttöliittymä sisältää LVDS-LCD-paneelin signaalit, puskuroidun I2C-väylän kosketusnäytölle ja +12 V:n virtalähteen 4-johtoisella CAT5-kaapelilla.
Diagnostiikka – CORTEX M4 -suoritin valvoo ja hallitsee järjestelmää tarjoamalla vikasietotilan sekä etähallittavan vikojen diagnosoinnin ja palautuksen.
- 6 ydintä 2GHz ARM CPU + Cortex M4
- 2GB DDR3L RAM, 16GB eMMC Flash, SD
- 1x Gbit Ethernet, 2x RS485 Serial
- ChannelLink III liityntä
- J1939 FMS CAN (protocol coprocessor)
- 4+4 24V DIO, 4 Analoginen liityntä
- GNSS navigointi RTK-tuella
- 802.11b/g/n/ac WiFi, LTE CAT4
- 8-36VDC käyttöjännite, LiPO-akku optiona
- 2x DealStack™ Expansion slots
- 1.1” diagnostiikka OLED-näyttö optiona
DCORE DR01 – Luotettava ajoneuvoreititin maantie- ja raideliikenteeseen
DR01 yhdistää ainutlaatuisesti ARM-ajoneuvotietokoneen ja WRT 5G-reitittimen, 4x reititettyä Gbit-Ethernet porttia, UDR tai ADR RTK GNSS paikannuksen, Audio I/O, SAE J1939 FMS-CAN ja OBD-II CAN väylät, sekä RS-232 ja RS-485 – sarjaportit.
DealComp DR01 on erittäin luotettava ja tehokas ajoneuvoreititin, jossa on Linux-sovellusprosessori suorittamaan ITS- tai ITxPT-palveluita. Sovellusohjelmistolle ja reitittimelle käytetään erillisiä prosessoreita suorituskyvyn optimoimiseksi ja ohjelmistokehityksen helpottamiseksi. Sovellusprosessori kytkeytyy reitittimeen sisäisellä Ethernet-liitännällä. Tämä mahdollistaa ITxPT:n tai muiden ITS-ohjelmistopalvelujen päivityksen tarvitsematta koskea Layer 3 -reititysohjelmistoon.
Pienikokoinen ja energiatehokas DR01 on helposti jälkiasennettava pienen kokonsa ja projektikohtaisten avointen laiteohjelmistojen ansiosta. Modeemia varten on kaksi M.2-liitäntää, jolloin sekä 5G, että LTE teknologia ovat täysin hyödynnettävissä.
Laitteessa on kohteen mukaan valittavissa oleva päätylevy, jossa on board-to-board-liittimet, joko RJ-45- ja M12-liittimillä, emolevyn pysyessä samana.
Ajoneuvon sijainti perustuu RTK-tarkennettuun GNSS-paikkatietoon. Reitittimessä on juotettu GNSS-alijärjestelmä, jossa on joko ajoneuvon CAN-väylään liittyvä ADR teknologia tai asennustapauksiin, joissa yhteyttä ajoneuvoon ei ole saatavilla UDR GNSS. ADR/UDR-pohjainen paikannus voi navigoida luotettavasti maan alla tai huonoissa satelliittisignaaliolosuhteissa.
- Dedikoitu Mediatec Reititin SoC prosessori, WRT-Linux, avoin lähdekoodi
- Tehokas 4-ydin ARM CORTEX A7 4-ydin Linux prosessori
- ARM CORTEX M0 järjestelmän hallinta ja I/O kontrolleri
- 5G, LTE ja LTE450 modeemit M.2-liitännällä, sekä uSIM, että e-SIM tuki ja optiona lisäksi V2X
- RTK Navigointi takaa toiminnan tunneleissa ja katvealueilla
- Helposti asennettavissa, kohdekohtaiset liittimet (RJ45 tai M12)
- ITxPT valmius, Kompakti koko 159 x 208 x 35 mm
- Raideliikenne, tieliikenne ja e-hyväksytty
- Käyttöjännitealue: 8-38 VDC
- Pieni virrankulutus
- Käyttölämpötila -20… +70 C
ITxPT-yhteensopiva ITS-ajoneuvoreititin ja Linux-tietokone busseille, raitiovaunuille ja junille.
DCORE-ER03 - High Performance 5G Router with DR Navigation and Dual SFP+
The Deal Comp ER03 stand-alone high performance EDGE Router bases on the NXP LS1046A dedicated networking processor. This CPU features optimized resources for network traffic data management over multiple independent Ethernet controllers. Five Gbit PHY and dual SFP+ interfaces, suitable for 10Gbit copper or fiber, are available for external Ethernet connectivity. Furthermore, two M.2 modem sockets are available for 5G modems with high- speed USB 3.0 and PCIe 2.0 interfaces and esim/uSIM support. The ER03 includes a high accuracy L1/L5 DR enhanced GNSS subsystem targeting demanding vehicle applications. The navigation subsystem leverages the latest technologies in sensor-assisted GNSS location. Handover between DR- and satellite-based navigation is seamless and transparent.
The ER03 is based on a WRT Router Linux optimized for the NXP LS2046A hardware accelerated networking processor, which is supported by a dedicated system management microcontroller.
A dedicated CORTEX A7 CPU can execute user data encryption or security software.
Local Flash storage is used for the WRT OS and supporting application software. An additional uSD-card or SATA/NVME SSD can be used for local data logging. Two 0-24VDC range digital inputs can be used for general purpose I/O or as dedicated inputs for emergency pushbutton or ignition key sensing.
The ER03 is a fully fledged Open-Source EDGE gateway router with the ability to extract vehicle or device data from the vehicle’s CAN or J1939-bus. The J1939 CAN data speed and direction (gear) sensing data can be used for ADR navigation.
Onboard PIS systems are being incrementally upgraded to IP-based solutions connected to back- end systems using modern 5G modems or 802.11ax high speed connectivity.
The ER03 is an open platform, which is programmable and upgradeable to support different project requirements and back-end data API’s. Please contact Deal Comp for details on such support and services.
The design of the power supply has extensive input filtering exceeding the requirements EN50155 and ECE Reg 10. The input contains an active protection circuit and a multi-stage filter to ensure lowest emissions and best immunity. The input is reverse protected up to 350V and will withstand indefinite overvoltage up to 350VDC. The operating temperature range is -20 to +70C. conditions.
General Features
- High performance NXP LS1046A networking processor
- Optimized WRT OS
- H3 CORTEX A7 Quad core Linux application processor
- High accuracy ADR/ UDR supported GNSS positioning
- Transparent handover between DR and GNSS
- CORTEX-M0 management microcontroller
- 2X 5G, LTE and LTE450 modems with M.2 interface, both uSIM and e-SIM support and optional V2X
- 4 +1 10/100/1000Mbit Ethernet, 2x SFP+ interfaces
- 2x SFP+ supporting 10Gbit Copper/Fiber Ethernet
- 1x CAN, 1x J1939 FMS, 2x RS-485 ports
- HD Audio I/O (Line levels), optional DVI-D
- 2x 24VDc DIN, Emergency button and Ignition
- 1x M.2 expansion (PCIE 2.0/SATA and USB 3.0)
- Electronic serial number EEPROM
- 14.4-36VDC input with railway/automotive grade PSU
- High performance bus/train routing gateway
- Passenger WiFi router
- Network and data security node
- Vehicle PIS upgrade and modernization programs
- Multi-path tactical EDGE router
Data sheet
MIIVII Technology Inc. is a national high-tech enterprise founded in 2015. Providing smart edge computing products and technologies for enterprises Miivii is the preferred ecosystem partner of NVIDIA Jetson.
Miivii offer multiple hardware configurations, unified software stacks and vertical industry solutions to effectively meet the needs of logistics, transportation management, V2X, low-speed self-driving, ADAS, intelligent video analysis, industrial vision systems, smart retail, smart ports, smart mining, smart medical care, education, agriculture and other fields in terms of AI edge computing power.
MIIVII brings together top-level talents from well-known universities around the world, such as University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Auckland University of Technology, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, with rich business operation experience and strong technological background.
MIIVII APEX AD10 is an embedded AI supercomputer. It delivers massive computing capabilities and essential features to terminal devices. With shock resistance connector and waterproof desion, MIIVII APEX AD10 is suitable for outdoor usage. In addition, MIIVII APEX AD10 offers clock synchronization function.
APEX DUAL ORIN is a general-purpose Autonomous Machine controller with super large computing power, low power consumption and small size, suitable for commercial vehicles, unmanned distribution vehicle, unmanned cleaning vehicle and other non-passenger vehicles in the field of autonomous machine.
The product is equipped with two NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin modules and Infineon TC397 safety MCU. The product can be connected to all sensors that autonomous machine use.
Based on Jetson AGX Xavier, it has 8-channel GMSL2 automotive-grade camera access, 4 Ethernet Ports and IP65 protection.
It has built-in high-accuracy clock synchronization in microsecond for sensor data. It can widely satisfied for low speed unmanned vehicle compute requirement.
SINTRONES is a world-renowned and ISO 9001 & IRIS ISO/TS 22163 certified company of in-vehicle computing system products. Producing high quality system products that meet international traffic standards certification, including EN50121, EN50155, E-Mark, IEC60945, IACS E10, DNV and MIL-810.
In-Vehicle Computing
Sintrones is a world-renowned and ISO 9001 & IRIS ISO/TS 22163 certified company of in car computer system products. It’s design for wide range DC input +g~36V. Our in car computing products were awarded several patents in many countries across the world.
Embedded Computing
We provides stable and high-quality embedded industrial pc and rugged embedded computers solutions align with customers’ short and long-term needs. An embedded system is a computer system. Sintrones is a world-renowned and ISO 9001 certified company of in-vehicle computing system products.
Edge AI GPU Computing
The Edge AI GPU computing and AI GPU inference is suitable for various factory automation and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) control system in largescale processes such as mining and manufacturing.
Sintrones VBOX-3611
- Intel Core i7-6600
- Wireless support LTE w/ Dual SIM Card, WLAN, GPS Dead Reckoning, BT (Option)
- 9V~36V DC Power Input
- Smarter Vehicle Power Ignition for Variety Vehicle
- Support Dual Hot Swappable SATA Storage, RAID 0, 1, 5
- Support 1 x CAN Bus 2.0B (Optional)
Sintrones SBOX-2621
Intel Gen 6 i7-6600U with HD Graphic 520 / 2 x LAN/ 2 x HDMI/ VGA DC 9-36V Fanless Box PC
- Intel Gen 6 Core i7-6600U
- Triple Display Output ( 2 x HDMI / VGA)
- Dual Gigabit Ethernet
- Wide Range Operating Temp. : -30~60ºC
- Ultra Slim(54mm), Compact Size and Fanless
- DC 9-36V Power Input
Sintrones ABOX-5210G6
Powerful Edge AI Fanless Computer System with Intel® 10th Gen Xeon® / Core™ i9 Processor and supports NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 3000 GPU
- Intel® GEN 10th 10 Cores Xeon® W-1290TE / i9-10900TE
- NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 3000 GPU
- Support 1920 CUDA Cores and 240 Tensor Cores
- 8 x DI, 4 x DO and 3 x RS-232/422/485
- 1 x M.2 B key, 1 x M.2 A-E key & 3 x miniPCIe expansion slots
- Dual Hot Swappable SATA Storage RAID 0,1,5
- 9-48V DC Input and Operating Temp.: -40~60°C
- 10 x GbE RJ45 (Optional 8 x PoE and 8 x M12 X coded connectors)
- Rolling Stock EN 50155 and EN 50121-3-2 certified
SYS-3610 is a purpose-built railway control and communications computer ideally suited for onboard applications. The system is conduction cooled and fanless and compliant with EN50155 T3 operating temperature range. The system comes with a pre-installed automotive grade 32GB Flash SSD for OS and application software storage. Interfaces include isolated RS-485 HDLC interface, 2x RS-232/485 ports, 2x GBIT Ethernet and 5-band LTE modem.
A 32-bit CORTEX M3 controller parses the HDLC data packets and delivers data to host over internal USB interface. The standard power supply input is 9-36VDC, an external 110VDC Isolated PSU is available from Duragon. Target applications include PI-system control, diagnoistics as well as protocol conversion and gateway applications. Compliance to EN50155 and EN50121 guarantees safe and reliable operation in rolling stock installations.

- Intel® Celeron™ processor dual core 2980U, 1.6GHz
- 2GB RAM, 32GB SATA SSD Inbuilt
- Wheel sensor input for speed measurement
- Compliant with EN50155, EN50121
- Internal 5-band LTE modem
- Programable 8 x GPIO
- HDLC interface, isolated RS-485
- 32-bit HDLC protocol communications coprocessor
- Train Diagnostics and monitoring
- Train Overspeed monitoring
- PIS System gateway
- PTC Systems
SYS-3610-MPU is a purpose-built railway control and communications computer ideally suited for onboard applications. The system is conduction cooled and fanless and compliant with EN50155 T3 operating temperature range. The system comes with a pre-installed automotive grade 32GB Flash SSD for OS and application software storage. Interfaces include isolated RS-485 and RS-232 ports, 4x USB and 2x GBIT Ethernet and 5-band LTE modem. The system supports 50 channel navigation with sumultaneous IRNSS and GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO constellations. The standard power supply input is 9-36VDC, an external 110VDC Isolated PSU is available from Deal Comp. Target applications include PI-system control, diagnoistics as well as protocol conversion and gateway applications. Compliance to EN50155 and EN50121 guarantees safe and reliable operation in rolling stock installations.

- Intel® Celeron™ processor dual core 2980U, 1.6GHz
- 2GB RAM, 32GB SATA SSD Inbuilt
- 32GB SATAIII FLASH HDD, removable tray
- Internal 5-band LTE modem, India bands
- Programable 8 x GPIO
- RS-485, RS-232 and 2x USB
- 2x GBIT Ethernet ports with M12 connectors
- HD Audio, Stereo output, MIC input
- Compliant with EN50155, EN50121
- Train Diagnostics and monitoring
- Train Overspeed monitoring
- PIS System gateway
- PTC Systems
SYS-3610-MVB is a purpose-built railway control and communications device ideally suited for onboard applications which
require MVB interfacing. The system is conduction cooled with a EN50155 T3 operating temperature range. The system comes with a pre-installed automotive grade 32GB Flash SSD for OS and application software storage.
Interfaces include 2x RS-232/485 ports, EMD or ESD+ MVB, Dual GBIT Ethernet and 5-band LTE/3G modem. Internal peripherals are accessible through USB 2.0 with the uC providing 3x ASC-ports for MVB and GNSS access. The standard power supply input is 9-36VDC, an external 110VDC Isolated PSU is available from Duragon.
Target applications include PI-system control, diagnostics as well as protocol conversion and gateway applications.
Compliance with EN50155 and EN50121 guarantees safe and reliable operation in rolling stock installations.

- Intel® Celeron™ processor dual core 2980U, 1.6GHz
- 2GB RAM, 32GB SATA SSD Inbuilt
- Integrated DUAGON D013 MVB Interface
- 5-band uBLOX LTE Modem
- Compliant with EN50155, EN50121
- SATA III FLASH Disk, Default 32GB
- Programable 8 x GPIO
- Electronic secure serial number
ARBOR is a global provider of dedicated industrial IoT computing, rugged mobile computing and industrial automation solutions. With full ISO compliance, ARBOR is committed to delivering high-quality products that follow international standards and well-defined production processes. As an experienced IPC manufacturer and solution provider, all of ARBOR’s products are certified to specific regulations according to different market requirements.
Rugged Mobile Computing
Arbor HT10
10” Rugged Android™ Tablet Device
- 10.1″ IPS TFT LCD 1200 x 1920(FHD)
- Embedded 1D/2D barcode imager and 8M front camera and 13M rear camera
- High mobility with multiple-connectivity including WLAN, BT and WWAN
- Extremely thinnest industrial tablet under 15mm
- Removable 10000mAh battery
- Hot-swappable external battery w/ redundant internal battery
- 1m (3.3ft.) drop resistance
- Fully rugged IP65 to protect from dust and water
- Support Android™ 11
Fanless Box PC
Arbor FPC-8107
Robust Box PC with Intel® 10th Generation Core™ i9/i7/i5/i3 with up to 3 x Expansion slots
- Fanless design
- Wide range DC power input (9~36V)
- Two independent displays support (HDMI x 1 + VGA x 1 and DVI-D x 1)
- Power on/ off delay control/ configurable ignition power control
- TPM 2.0 support
- 1 x mPCIe for optional Wi-Fi/ 3G/ 4G/ GPS or I/O expansion supported
- Up to 3x expansion slot support
- 1 x M.2 E Key (2230) for Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth
- Front-accessible I/O support
- Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 support
- RAID 0,1 support (W480E optional)
Wide-Screen Industrial Panel PC
Arbor ASLAN-W1022C
Fanless 21.5″ Wide-Screen Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core i Processor
- 21.5″ LCD Display w/ LED Backlight
- Flat panel with PCAP touch screen
- IP65 compliant front panel
- Anti-scratch surface: 7H hardness
- Serial Ports (RS-232/422/485), RS-485 w/ auto-flow control
- Mini PCIe expansion slot support
- 4 x SMA antenna holes for optional wireless function
- Extended operating temperature range -20ºC ~ 50ºC
- Wide power input range 9~36 VDC
- Fanless cooling system
Also available in 15.6″ and 18.5″ sizes.
>> Datasheet
Vecow is a team of global embedded experts. We are dedicated to designing, developing, producing, and selling industrial-grade computer products. All of our products are leading in performance, trusted in reliability, exhibit advanced technology, and innovative concepts. Vecow offers AI-ready Inference Systems, AI Computing Systems, Fanless Embedded Systems, Vehicle Computing Systems, Robust Computing Systems, Single Board Computers, Multi-Touch Computers, Multi-Touch Displays, Frame Grabbers, Embedded Peripherals and Design & Manufacturing Services with leading performance, trusted reliability, advanced technology, and innovative concept.
Nvidia Jetson Platform
Vecow EAC Series
Industrial users are looking for advanced, powerful, and trusted solutions to win competitive advantages. Based on years of domain know-how from vertical markets, Vecow joined the NVIDIA Partner Network, delivering compact, high-performance, and trusted solutions to accelerate your Edge AI applications with a faster time-to-market. Vecow EAC Series compact Edge AI Computer is powered by the NVIDIA Jetson™ platform, featuring compact size, rugged designs, and industrial-grade reliability to deliver outstanding AI performance and scalability.
Vecow EAC Series delivers server-grade performance with up to 32 TOPS of accelerating AI performance at a small form factor. Featuring DC 9V to 50V wide-range power input, fanless design, and an extended operating temperature range from -20°C to 70°C, Vecow EAC Series is a perfect solution for harsh environments and any AIoT applications. Furthermore, the series expands the Edge AI Computing portfolio with versatile I/O interfaces: GigE LAN, PoE+, USB and, GMSL cameras, and facilitates AI vision applications from Traffic Vision, In-Vehicle Computing, AMR, Medical Image to Public Safety and Advanced AOI applications.
Vecow EAC Series serves flexible configurations and features In-Vehicle ready functions. It supports multiple 5G/4G/LTE/WiFi/BT/GPS technologies and compact storage expansions through M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD and Micro SD. With isolated CAN Bus connections, Ignition Control Protection, and the support of various camera interfaces, the Vecow EAC Series powered by the NVIDIA Jetson™ platform is a good fit for Edge AI applications
Vehicle Computing
Vecow ECX-2200 (M12)
Armed with workstation-grade 10 cores 10th generation Intel® Xeon®/Core™ i9/i7/i5/i3 processor (Comet Lake) and Intel® W480E chipset, Fanless, -40°C to 75°C operating temperature, 6 GigE LAN with 4 X-coded M12 PoE+, 6 USB 3.2 connections supporting up to 10Gbps data rate, SIM sockets supporting 5G/WiFi/4G/3G/LTE/GPRS/UMTS mobile availability, M.2, Mini PCIe and PCI/PCIe expansions for versatile configurations, smart manageability, 9V to 50V power input with 80V surge protection, software ignition power control, smart circuit protection and trusted reliability, Vecow ECX-2200/2100 Series Workstation-grade Expandable Fanless Embedded System is your ideal choice for Machine Vision, Rolling Stock, Smart Retail, Vehicle Computing, AMR/AGV, and any AIoT-oriented real-time embedded applications.
Vecow RCX-2750R PEG
Featuring workstation-grade platform: powered by 11th Generation Intel® Xeon®/Core™ i7/i5 processor (Rocket Lake-S) and running with W580 chipset, Vecow RCX-2000 PEG delivers high-performance computing capability with up to 19% CPU productivity improved. The system is equipped with PCIe x16 slot that supports max 750W power for NVIDIA® or AMD graphics engine and allows for scalability of expansion with 5 PCIe, 2 Mini PCIe, 4 M.2. Vecow RCX-2000 supports 4 DDR4 memory up to 128GB and features max. 7 independent displays with 8K resolution. The brand new RCX-2000 PEG offers a variety of connectivity and supports 9V to 55V DC-in to meet industrial requirements and is ideally suited for High-Speed AIO, 3D Mapping, Rolling Stock and any AIoT/Industry 4.0 applications.
Octagon Systems is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of rugged computer systems for extreme environments. In dynamic industries like mining, military, transportation, and many more, Octagon computers set the standard for in-field reliability.
Trax-family Small Form Factor
- Military Grade Mini Server/Router
- 3-in-1 small form factor rugged computer platform
- Server, Router & I/O in One
- Intel Core i7, Dual Core
- Native Virtualization Support
- High Performance Video
- GBIT Ethernet, CAN, Serial, USB, Digital GPS, Wifi, Cellular
- Made in Canada & USA
Rack Servers
- 1U, 2U and 3U Rugged Rack Mount Servers for Critical Independent Systems
- Dual/Single Intel® Scalable Xeon® CPUs
- 20” Chassis Depth
- Certified to MIL-STD Ruggedness
Extremely Rugged
The Vanguard and Echelon extreme rugged servers distinguish themselves in that we design with heavy-duty machined aluminum alloy, using overlapped extrusions for superior torsional strength with EMC/EMI compliance to MIL-STD-461, shock and vibration to MIL-STD-810, 167.
Proven Performance
Dual Xeon processors meet the challenge for high performance computing, maximum throughput and system flexibility. Optimized cooling and airflow ensure reliability and longevity are locked into every server platform and dual redundant power supplies assure sustained continuous operation.
Wide Ranging
A wide range of SSD/HDD mounting and configuring options together with SATA and SAS interfaces are available. Data integrity is assured with MegaRAID controllers and CacheVault backup
>> 1U datasheet
>> 2U datasheet
>> 3U datasheet
Lightweight + Compact Enclosure
The Viper is a COTS general purpose 20+4 port managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch packaged in a reliable, lightweight & compact MIL-STD-810G certified enclosure. Military compliant, dual redundant AC/DC power supply equipped to cover all applications for global operation.
Designed for Rugged Environments
Conduction-cooled electronics have been custom designed to withstand rugged environments and is equipped with active auxiliary electronics and supervisory systems that provide increased payload safety, greater system control & ease of integration.
Flexibility for Feature Implementation
Zync UltraScale FPGA + EG devices feature a quad-core 1.5GHz ARM® Cortex-A53, with dual-core Cortex-R5 real-time processors, a Mali-400 MP2 GPU, and FinFET+ programmable logic ensuring flexibility of feature implementation needed in the next generation of defence applications.